So, I finally saw my first digital billboard. this is something a little different than the plasma screens on top of the MGM Grand in Vegas, or whatever. This is an actual, Remote, billboard location that's receiving city power to not only illuminate the board, but to run the controller, AND the radio receiver.
So, we know it's child's play to mess with a DTV dish, it can't be much worse to mess with these signs. But, once you've disconnected it from home, wouldn't it be interesting to provide a custom signal of your own? You could build the signal and transmitter into the size of an ipod, get a pool cleaning pole (the kind that expands), use it to knock the dish out of alignment, then tape the transmitter to it. Broadcast your custom signal and you've just hijacked a billboard.
15 minutes to upload a new signal from park to drive. The board keeps blasting the message until they realize it's off the grid AND get someone out there to fix it. Could be quite fun.... especially once these catch on. Imagine a Burma Shave effect of digital signs blasting grafitti, political rhetoric, or erotic art. Plus, I'm not sure of the capabilities of the controllers, but they might be able to play movies as well as switch scenes. I like the idea of turning ugly advertisements into trip toys... :)
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