NAFAA 2008 membership drive
As an information society, NAFAA only occasionally makes any kind of major change. Typically any activity is involved in updating the regional codes sections. However, on occasion, updates to our codes are needed. And when this happens, we need to first insure that we represent the largest cross section of the North American fire artists as possible. So, we need to start up a membership drive.
In anticipation of this, we have added a new page to the NAFAA site. http://www.nafaa.org/join.html
The join page explains the two current levels of membership with NAFAA. (regular member, and supporting members with links in the regional pages) It also includes a number of buttons that members can add to their website. This will give new prospects easy access to NAFAA site, the regs page, and the join page. Please take a few minutes and drop the cut-and-paste codes into your performance website(s) and encourage members in your community to join.
We'll monitor new memberships carefully and begin the process of the codes update (3.0) shortly after the membership plateaus. We think that fall 2008 is a fairly reasonable estimate for this to happen.
Please forward this to anyone even vaguely related to fire.