Okie dokie. So, this is an update of the first DTV post:
I FINALLY got my converter box coupons ($40 off governmentally approved digital boxes)
And after looking around, I've decided that this is being used to make some sweeping reforms in broadcast TV. It sure looks like all the boxes on the coupon program have the V-chip installed, and the FCC is actually killing analog broadcasting as of next Feb. SO. What that means is that after Feb '09, no one will have an excuse for not having a V-chip. The older, non-digital TVs simply will not work without a converter box, and the newer stuff all have one installed. But, if you manage to find a digital converter box without the v-chip, you won't get $40 off from the government, PLUS, you will likely spend more than the $50-$90 range we're seeing right now.
What does this mean to you? How about uncut movies to your TV? No more funny sounds when people dare to utter the 7 words you can't say on TV. Maybe even uncut cable shows like Sex and the City, Weeds, or South Park. Heck, we might even see something like PBS porn (and no more money-raising efforts).
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