Yes, it's that time of year again. That day when we get to celebrate a man who:
- is credited with "proving" the world is round, when that had been mathematically proven long before, and would not be physically accomplished until Magellan.
- is credited for "discovering" the Americas when it's known that the Vikings and Chinese had done so centuries before, and by Russian hunters millennia before that.
- was actually on an elaborate search for drugs. Opium from the East was hard to come by and a quick sea route would have been financially beneficial.
- supposedly made friends with the natives, but the tribes that welcomed him are all dead.
- had never been to his destination by normal methods which is why he thought he had landed in India, and summarily named the natives "Indians".
- delivered the scourge of alcohol to the native americans who had no such intoxicant.
- opened the door for tobacco to reach western culture.
So, when you go to the bank on Monday to find it closed, just do what columbus did: go on a search for drugs, get lost, "discover" any place that you happen across, make some friends, kill them, take all their stuff, and return home. :)
Yaaayyy! Does this explain the Iraq war a little better?
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