Okay, despite my "no advertisement" policy for Bearclaw, I've decided to open up a tribe for it:
I figure I'd rather have a forum where people can ask BCM specific info than to try to put up my own board...
22 December 2005
10 December 2005
On Tribe "Censorship"
I've finally got this all figured out. Ya see, we're IN Tribe, so, we expect to see the content, and have become accustomed to the playground. But from the outside, most of the content is STILL VISIBLE. So, when i wander in, without "joining" Tribe (and therefore do not fall under the TOU) I can see topless women on the Burning Woman tribe, Gay sex on the Bears and Chasers tribe, and I can even get all of Tribes mature content with a single click of the "you must be over 18" button. These are pretty flimsy safeguards against children seeing adult content (like the All things Vagina tribe).
The latest changes allow 2 things: 1) elimination of personal photos from the general internet view, and 2) a method of notification of offencse without making a case about it.
Here's how the new stuff works. Same problem, a kid is browsing the net and comes across your profile. The kid finds a picture of you at burningman sticking your head in a goat. For whatever reason (maybe mom walks in), it's decided that the picture is "obsene". With the current laws and system, you'd be forced to take it down. However, the new flagging system will tag the picture "friends only", it drops off the public internet, but your friends can still laugh at you. Everybody wins.
Hopefully, They'll wise up and do the same thing for tribe photos.
The latest changes allow 2 things: 1) elimination of personal photos from the general internet view, and 2) a method of notification of offencse without making a case about it.
Here's how the new stuff works. Same problem, a kid is browsing the net and comes across your profile. The kid finds a picture of you at burningman sticking your head in a goat. For whatever reason (maybe mom walks in), it's decided that the picture is "obsene". With the current laws and system, you'd be forced to take it down. However, the new flagging system will tag the picture "friends only", it drops off the public internet, but your friends can still laugh at you. Everybody wins.
Hopefully, They'll wise up and do the same thing for tribe photos.
Sux 2b Yule
This time of year brings a lot of stress to almost everyone. Xmas day is the worst if you've got to be alone, or worse, you're stuck with family you don't appreciate. But it doesn't have to suck that bad.
I'm resuscitating an old tradition called the Sucks to be Yule party. This way, if you need an excuse to dodge the aunt that always pinches your cheeks, come one down. And if you're alone, at least you won't have to drink alone. :)
I'm still deciding between a couple of locations (one costs money, the other has no parking), so please rsvp. Also, I'm thinking about a $5 secret santa giveaway, so bring a wrapped, naughty, gift worth about $5 to join in.
I'm resuscitating an old tradition called the Sucks to be Yule party. This way, if you need an excuse to dodge the aunt that always pinches your cheeks, come one down. And if you're alone, at least you won't have to drink alone. :)
I'm still deciding between a couple of locations (one costs money, the other has no parking), so please rsvp. Also, I'm thinking about a $5 secret santa giveaway, so bring a wrapped, naughty, gift worth about $5 to join in.
28 November 2005
07 November 2005
Root Canal
Say what you want about dentists, this guy rocked. We're gonnna save a tooth that I though was a loss and managed to do it without pain. Now I don't have to take 8 excedrin's a day to avoid those tooth headaches....:)
Of course, I did have Little Shop running through my head the whole time...
Of course, I did have Little Shop running through my head the whole time...
Google Rocks!
Gawd Damn I love google. I just casually browsed for a map of my spin space and got this got this
You my have to hit Hybrid and zoom in a bit, but you can actually make out the Bball courts where we spin.
You my have to hit Hybrid and zoom in a bit, but you can actually make out the Bball courts where we spin.
11 October 2005
No Mo Grumpy Bear

Several years ago, I discovered that my serotonin system wasn't as it should be and was fortunate enough to discover 5-htp very shortly afterwards. 3 pills a day allowed me to live like everyone else, and basically changed my life for the better.
Last year, about this time, I was doing some further investigation into serotonin production and learned that Tryptophan hydroxylase, the necessary component to convert tryptophan into 5-htp in the body, was controlled by the T3 enzyme produced in the thalamus. The necessary component for this production is Iodine.
So, I took a crapload of Iodine (some from natural sources, some from radiation pills) and phased out my intake of 5-htp until last May when I took none at all. My hopes in this would be to restart my natural serotonin production and not need the constant 5-htp intake.
Unfortunately, as of a couple of days ago, I realized that I had spiraled down into my more manic temperment from my days before 5-htp. I found myself taking it to avoid the spiral of depression, anger, and hunger that was my life before 35.
So, I'm back on medications (Ewww!), and those of you who've patiently put up with the Grumpy Bear will have my assurances that he's back in the cave again.
09 October 2005
Ruby Racks
Okay, so, I've never deeply trusted the nutritional value of a cereal that was more than 50% marshmallows in the first place. And Lucky Charms has always walked that line between breakfast and nutritionless snack. But now they've introduced Chocolate Lucky Charms. Naturally, I had to try some, and despite the "Whole Wheat" sales blurb, I have to conclude that these are now fully Scooby Snacks.
28 September 2005
20 September 2005
So, this was generally "the ususal" kind of gig. Scheduled for 2 days, cut back to one. Promised a 16x16 stage, got a 12x12' stage. They wanted two big shows, which we prepped (even choreographed a whole story and all). Then when we walked in (with a smaller stage) they asked use to do three small shows. Eventually, because of timing issues, we got bumped back to two. Ya know... the usual.
Da boss man, he no likey the chorographed piece. In our defence we had plotted it out to a larger stage and were shorted on time. But our tribal show really blew people's minds. THAT show earned us a headline spot next year, a larger stage, and all the days we can play. Plus, he wants to do a recompression event, and a fire arts festival/competition. This show was totally worth it.
Da boss man, he no likey the chorographed piece. In our defence we had plotted it out to a larger stage and were shorted on time. But our tribal show really blew people's minds. THAT show earned us a headline spot next year, a larger stage, and all the days we can play. Plus, he wants to do a recompression event, and a fire arts festival/competition. This show was totally worth it.
12 August 2005
"I was raised a poor black child" - S. Martin, The Jerk
In may ways I felt like this growing up. Although my neighborhood was pretty much white, my mother worked in inner city Detroit, and I was definitely in a minority for most of my early life. I learned how to walk, and to talk and to keep small so as not to get pegged by the brothers, the cops, or the crazies.
I've been shot, stabbed, and beaten bloody for simply being white on several occasions. [for those that know me, I've also had all that done for being a smart-ass, but these were separate occasions] I was pummeled by a dozen black men for making advances on a black woman and had a brick thrown at me for listening to Rap. In short, I feel that I know a little bit about racism.
As a white male, I belong to the only ethnic/sexual group of people who are still legally oppressed. We are not allowed to receive any scholastic assistance strictly based on our sex and color, all others, including white women, can. My parents both retired before I got into high school, so despite a 3.8 advanced placement record and a 150+ IQ, I had to use the army to raise funds for college. It took me 10 years.
But I digress. The crucial things are that my family never owned slaves, we did run the northern end of the underground railroad. We fought with the natives in the French-Indian war. When called to the crusades, we were strangely absent. We fought for sufferage, for black rights, women's rights, children's rights, the right to bear arms and the guillotine.
But because of the color of my skin, and the location of my birth, I got to suffer the reverse racism that some redneck who's still hunting witches deserves. And Now that I'm older, I have to suffer with a smile as black people do racist things, shut up and let them or be called a troll and a racist. WTF?
When my Columbian roommate started showing his racism, I called him on it. He shut up. I may not have made him less racist, but he's at least less verbal about it. But if I call a black man on it, I'm a troll.
For the record, racism is the belief that members of a certain race or races posess some innate characteristic or ability specific to that race, especially so as to define it as inferior or superior. Note the word "especially". That means it CAN read without that last part.
If someone want's to put together a polo legue, they can. Chances are, mostly white people will join, since it runs strongest in that cultural circle. From my perspective, that would read as "rich or pretentious" white people since no one in my "lowlife" circles ever played polo (on horses). If you say that only white people can join, you're being separatist, racist, bigoted, etc. However, if you say that it's a black polo league, it's okay... How is this NOT RACIST???
In may ways I felt like this growing up. Although my neighborhood was pretty much white, my mother worked in inner city Detroit, and I was definitely in a minority for most of my early life. I learned how to walk, and to talk and to keep small so as not to get pegged by the brothers, the cops, or the crazies.
I've been shot, stabbed, and beaten bloody for simply being white on several occasions. [for those that know me, I've also had all that done for being a smart-ass, but these were separate occasions] I was pummeled by a dozen black men for making advances on a black woman and had a brick thrown at me for listening to Rap. In short, I feel that I know a little bit about racism.
As a white male, I belong to the only ethnic/sexual group of people who are still legally oppressed. We are not allowed to receive any scholastic assistance strictly based on our sex and color, all others, including white women, can. My parents both retired before I got into high school, so despite a 3.8 advanced placement record and a 150+ IQ, I had to use the army to raise funds for college. It took me 10 years.
But I digress. The crucial things are that my family never owned slaves, we did run the northern end of the underground railroad. We fought with the natives in the French-Indian war. When called to the crusades, we were strangely absent. We fought for sufferage, for black rights, women's rights, children's rights, the right to bear arms and the guillotine.
But because of the color of my skin, and the location of my birth, I got to suffer the reverse racism that some redneck who's still hunting witches deserves. And Now that I'm older, I have to suffer with a smile as black people do racist things, shut up and let them or be called a troll and a racist. WTF?
When my Columbian roommate started showing his racism, I called him on it. He shut up. I may not have made him less racist, but he's at least less verbal about it. But if I call a black man on it, I'm a troll.
For the record, racism is the belief that members of a certain race or races posess some innate characteristic or ability specific to that race, especially so as to define it as inferior or superior. Note the word "especially". That means it CAN read without that last part.
If someone want's to put together a polo legue, they can. Chances are, mostly white people will join, since it runs strongest in that cultural circle. From my perspective, that would read as "rich or pretentious" white people since no one in my "lowlife" circles ever played polo (on horses). If you say that only white people can join, you're being separatist, racist, bigoted, etc. However, if you say that it's a black polo league, it's okay... How is this NOT RACIST???
22 July 2005
Under the Radar
Here's a mentality that I love to hate: Just stay under the radar and "the Man" won't come and get ya. Right. Here's a clear tale of what I mean:
IN ADDITION TO any other laws pertaining to liquid or gas devices:
-The DOJ in California moved its enforcement of "flamethrowers" to the state fire marshall
- It did so by pushing a bill through senate. The SFM didn't like the original and a second bill was offered and pushed through instead.
-Such enforcement means a Background check, $200-300 fees annualy; or $10,000 fine and 3 years jail time.
-The spirit of the second bill is the same, but the wording allows the fire marshal to select what is and what is NOT covered by the bill.
-The first thing he CHOSE to eliminate was propane devices since propane is a gas at room temp.
-He asked me to write up any reason I could see why firebreathers should NOT be covered under this bill.
-[He also asked the forestry department to see if their weed burners could be exempt, but they haven't figured that one out, yet]
-He's also asking for our help to REDUCE the number of devices covered under the bill by bringing forward anything that sits between a Bonefire and a military flamethrower, in the grey area of the bill.
- Many people believe that if we show him the stuff we make, they will try to make NEW LAWS about those devices to restrict or eliminate their use. These people are the "stay under the radar" contingent.
- Their logic is faulty because any device that shoots flame more than 10 feet is ALREADY COVERED by it. Bringing them forward will cost them nothing, and could mean that they don't have to get this ADDITIONAL permit to use them from the DOJ.
- So, the "stay under the radar" mentality, in at least this case, is actually causing MORE legal action against the fire community rather than less.
It is my opinion that such mindsets have caused a great deal more trouble in the past, just nothing so crystal clear in the cause-effect chain.
IN ADDITION TO any other laws pertaining to liquid or gas devices:
-The DOJ in California moved its enforcement of "flamethrowers" to the state fire marshall
- It did so by pushing a bill through senate. The SFM didn't like the original and a second bill was offered and pushed through instead.
-Such enforcement means a Background check, $200-300 fees annualy; or $10,000 fine and 3 years jail time.
-The spirit of the second bill is the same, but the wording allows the fire marshal to select what is and what is NOT covered by the bill.
-The first thing he CHOSE to eliminate was propane devices since propane is a gas at room temp.
-He asked me to write up any reason I could see why firebreathers should NOT be covered under this bill.
-[He also asked the forestry department to see if their weed burners could be exempt, but they haven't figured that one out, yet]
-He's also asking for our help to REDUCE the number of devices covered under the bill by bringing forward anything that sits between a Bonefire and a military flamethrower, in the grey area of the bill.
- Many people believe that if we show him the stuff we make, they will try to make NEW LAWS about those devices to restrict or eliminate their use. These people are the "stay under the radar" contingent.
- Their logic is faulty because any device that shoots flame more than 10 feet is ALREADY COVERED by it. Bringing them forward will cost them nothing, and could mean that they don't have to get this ADDITIONAL permit to use them from the DOJ.
- So, the "stay under the radar" mentality, in at least this case, is actually causing MORE legal action against the fire community rather than less.
It is my opinion that such mindsets have caused a great deal more trouble in the past, just nothing so crystal clear in the cause-effect chain.
23 June 2005
A belt accross the face
Finally, since the first time I was forced to wear seat belts as a child, and the mis-aligned shoulder belt cut into my face ... I have found research to back up what I've always suspected.
Check this out:
Basically, the stuff it covers are things like:
- Yes, Seat belts may prevent injury of intert dummies in front impact collisions, the research on them does not take into account other collision types or an actively resisting occupant.
- Any legitimate research (re Volvo) done was performed in the 60's on an entirely different kind of vehicle (since about 1980, all passenger vehicles no longer have frames and roll-bars, but uni-bodies).
- Recent research has been performed mostly by governemt agencies that get funding dependant on results.
- Field results of seat belt effectivness often eliminates unfavorable statistics (like pedestrian losses)
- Often drivers are inquired about seatbelt use with punative incentives.
Basically, we're not particularly sure that seatbelts save lives, and based on Hawaii, we might assume that they are costing lives. Why are they ramping up enforcement?
Check this out:
Basically, the stuff it covers are things like:
- Yes, Seat belts may prevent injury of intert dummies in front impact collisions, the research on them does not take into account other collision types or an actively resisting occupant.
- Any legitimate research (re Volvo) done was performed in the 60's on an entirely different kind of vehicle (since about 1980, all passenger vehicles no longer have frames and roll-bars, but uni-bodies).
- Recent research has been performed mostly by governemt agencies that get funding dependant on results.
- Field results of seat belt effectivness often eliminates unfavorable statistics (like pedestrian losses)
- Often drivers are inquired about seatbelt use with punative incentives.
Basically, we're not particularly sure that seatbelts save lives, and based on Hawaii, we might assume that they are costing lives. Why are they ramping up enforcement?
21 June 2005
Two Ghetto Birds in the hand...
So, living in Hollywood has it's problems. We get a lot more media attention than Culver City. And it seems like a nightly ritual to have a thousand choppers hovering over my house. Now, as a performer I don't mind the extra attention, but I need the occasional night off.
Tonight, I found myself unable to talk on the phone because of the choppers outside my door. I got so frustrated that I looked for any way to inconvenieince them: bottle rockets, flare guns, searchlights, lasers...
,,,lasers? Hey, I'm a raver, I bet I can dig up one of those...
Sure enough, I found an old laser and started flashing the choppers with it. One by one, they left, about 5 seconds after I started up on them. I think I'm making a red flash in the cameras which is undesireable.
So, there you go, tip of the day. Get rid of pesky news choppers with a regular red laser. (Heck try one of those big nasty green ones too).
Tonight, I found myself unable to talk on the phone because of the choppers outside my door. I got so frustrated that I looked for any way to inconvenieince them: bottle rockets, flare guns, searchlights, lasers...
,,,lasers? Hey, I'm a raver, I bet I can dig up one of those...
Sure enough, I found an old laser and started flashing the choppers with it. One by one, they left, about 5 seconds after I started up on them. I think I'm making a red flash in the cameras which is undesireable.
So, there you go, tip of the day. Get rid of pesky news choppers with a regular red laser. (Heck try one of those big nasty green ones too).
19 June 2005
DomiNation Gym
Just so that you know all my pre-caffeine rants aren't some incensed whiney tyrade about a global injustice, I present you with a vision that's been keeping me up at nights lately...Domination Gym.
This would be a Gym that concentrates more on geting in shape than in bulking up. And despite the gimicky looking description would be anti-trend. The theory behind it is: you have to move, you have to eat good food, and you will always look at what's painful but do what's pleasurable.
Overall look...dark. A little dungeion-y. There's a reason for this. We tend to remember the things that are well lit, so only the most pleasant areas would be fully lit. Any place where you might stress (like being whipped in the free weights room) would be darker. As you look back at your time spent, statistically the happier memories would be the ones you remember, and would thus tend to want to return.
We would have 4 types of trainers: passive, dom, stalker and fucko. The passive is just a cheerleader, really, meant to inspire you by telling you how good you're starting to look or how pumping iron turns them on. The dom is there to whip you into shape, literally. You have to sign speacial releases for the other two. The stalker, follows you around and makes sure your not cheating on your diet and such, if you look like you might, you get a creepy call from them. Also, they disturb you a lot if you miss appointments to the gym (or payments). The fucko takes a much more active roll in your life and will slap the Big Mac out of your hands and drag you out of social engagements (or work if you request) to make gym dates.
We'd have a lot of aerobically oriented movement classes like poi spinng, dancing, etc, but they'd have a rewards/punishment twist. Jogging would be done in groups, following a passive, and being followed by a dom. Perhaps poi spinning classes where lit poi are a prestige ranking (like martial arts belts) with the highest prestige looking the most dangerous (big, lit plastic spikes). Dance halls where 30 minutes of dance is mandatory.
The snack areas would be full service, it would have a wet bar, mini MacDonalds, and health food service. You would receive a metal ID bracelet that has your diet encoded on it. To order, you place your bracelet on a special reader and tell the cashier what you want. If you order something off your diet, the bracelet delivers little shocks, which stop when the cashier clears the offending item or the transaction is complete. Aversion therapy.
I'm thinking this place would only really appeal to the people who could afford it, but it might be scaled back a bit for the public. Though, I think it would be interesting to see a Bally's commercial with a little leather in it.
This would be a Gym that concentrates more on geting in shape than in bulking up. And despite the gimicky looking description would be anti-trend. The theory behind it is: you have to move, you have to eat good food, and you will always look at what's painful but do what's pleasurable.
Overall look...dark. A little dungeion-y. There's a reason for this. We tend to remember the things that are well lit, so only the most pleasant areas would be fully lit. Any place where you might stress (like being whipped in the free weights room) would be darker. As you look back at your time spent, statistically the happier memories would be the ones you remember, and would thus tend to want to return.
We would have 4 types of trainers: passive, dom, stalker and fucko. The passive is just a cheerleader, really, meant to inspire you by telling you how good you're starting to look or how pumping iron turns them on. The dom is there to whip you into shape, literally. You have to sign speacial releases for the other two. The stalker, follows you around and makes sure your not cheating on your diet and such, if you look like you might, you get a creepy call from them. Also, they disturb you a lot if you miss appointments to the gym (or payments). The fucko takes a much more active roll in your life and will slap the Big Mac out of your hands and drag you out of social engagements (or work if you request) to make gym dates.
We'd have a lot of aerobically oriented movement classes like poi spinng, dancing, etc, but they'd have a rewards/punishment twist. Jogging would be done in groups, following a passive, and being followed by a dom. Perhaps poi spinning classes where lit poi are a prestige ranking (like martial arts belts) with the highest prestige looking the most dangerous (big, lit plastic spikes). Dance halls where 30 minutes of dance is mandatory.
The snack areas would be full service, it would have a wet bar, mini MacDonalds, and health food service. You would receive a metal ID bracelet that has your diet encoded on it. To order, you place your bracelet on a special reader and tell the cashier what you want. If you order something off your diet, the bracelet delivers little shocks, which stop when the cashier clears the offending item or the transaction is complete. Aversion therapy.
I'm thinking this place would only really appeal to the people who could afford it, but it might be scaled back a bit for the public. Though, I think it would be interesting to see a Bally's commercial with a little leather in it.
17 June 2005
In the city...
I had a friend from Sf refer to his place of residence as "The City."
What is this crap? Seriously, what kind of arrogant crap reduces the world to YOUR hometown, The city, and everything else to .... welll. I guess, everything else? This is the same kind of sophist nonsense that has people calling the Atlantic Ocean "the Pond." Lemme tell ya, NOBODY who's actually crossed the ocean (rather than fly over greenland) calls it the pond. You want the right to call it the pond, swim it!
So, SF want's to be called "The City," despite being the second largest city in California, hmmm? And of course, New York wants to be called "The City" as a short form of "The city that never sleeps" (no wonder they're all cranky). When in actuality, the only city that doesn't sleep is Las Vegas...
Lemme tell ya something... if you want other countries to stop hating us and flinging planes at our buildings, you gots ta have a global view. And we can start here. "The City" is, and has been for some time, Hong Kong. Not only is it the largest city in the world (roughly the size of NY and LA combined), but it's been focal point for International trade, smuggling, culture for most of the world.
Every other city in the world is a secondary point. So, if you want to name your town, you got to get on the same wavelength as ... say Detroit: "Mo-Town" ... or Chicago: "the Loop". Now, I'm not saying that I'm all that good at making up names, but here's a few suggestions for today's losers ... LA can stay...LA, but if we need a "the" in our title, it can be "the Reel", and SF can be "the Gold", NY could be "the Apple", "the Grouch", or based on 911, "The Target". Annd if anycity doesn't like it they can be "The Whine"
What is this crap? Seriously, what kind of arrogant crap reduces the world to YOUR hometown, The city, and everything else to .... welll. I guess, everything else? This is the same kind of sophist nonsense that has people calling the Atlantic Ocean "the Pond." Lemme tell ya, NOBODY who's actually crossed the ocean (rather than fly over greenland) calls it the pond. You want the right to call it the pond, swim it!
So, SF want's to be called "The City," despite being the second largest city in California, hmmm? And of course, New York wants to be called "The City" as a short form of "The city that never sleeps" (no wonder they're all cranky). When in actuality, the only city that doesn't sleep is Las Vegas...
Lemme tell ya something... if you want other countries to stop hating us and flinging planes at our buildings, you gots ta have a global view. And we can start here. "The City" is, and has been for some time, Hong Kong. Not only is it the largest city in the world (roughly the size of NY and LA combined), but it's been focal point for International trade, smuggling, culture for most of the world.
Every other city in the world is a secondary point. So, if you want to name your town, you got to get on the same wavelength as ... say Detroit: "Mo-Town" ... or Chicago: "the Loop". Now, I'm not saying that I'm all that good at making up names, but here's a few suggestions for today's losers ... LA can stay...LA, but if we need a "the" in our title, it can be "the Reel", and SF can be "the Gold", NY could be "the Apple", "the Grouch", or based on 911, "The Target". Annd if anycity doesn't like it they can be "The Whine"
16 June 2005
Bad drivers1
Driving pet peave of the day: I hate to see the following:
-> Use the right-turn lane to cut in front of other slow-lane drivers.
-> or generally use any lane they know will be closing soon just to get ahead by a few cars.
-> Allow the above people in, thereby promoting such behaviours.
-> Leave more than enough room for people to merge in front of them during slow traffic scenarios.
All of these driving habits only serve to build stress. The people who are doing the skimming are taking risks, the people letting them in feel obliged to to so (they aren't) and the people behind the "good sams" are eating their steering wheel.
So, we can't stop human nature, some people will try to get ahead, but we CAN stop enabling these cretins. When you're in the slow lane, a car or three from the front and you see some idiot in the right turn lane waiting to jump in to your lane...DON'T LET THEM! Gun your little POS right up to the rear bumper of the legitimate car in front of you and don't let them in. If they sit stupidly in front of a gas station a few times, they'll get the message.
Same thing for highway lane closings: regular or emergency. Figure that if you can see the signs that a lane is closing, so can everyone else. anyone that doesn't turn on a turn signal to merge at that moment deserves to sit on the highway and wait for some other doormat to let them in. The worst is omethinng like the 405N to the 101 intersection....they have that lane "going to" ventura blvd which most people use to sneak ahead of the responsible drivers and cut in to the 101 lanes at the last minute. Shoot these idiots, hit them with your car, and don't let them in. Take back your streets!
-> Use the right-turn lane to cut in front of other slow-lane drivers.
-> or generally use any lane they know will be closing soon just to get ahead by a few cars.
-> Allow the above people in, thereby promoting such behaviours.
-> Leave more than enough room for people to merge in front of them during slow traffic scenarios.
All of these driving habits only serve to build stress. The people who are doing the skimming are taking risks, the people letting them in feel obliged to to so (they aren't) and the people behind the "good sams" are eating their steering wheel.
So, we can't stop human nature, some people will try to get ahead, but we CAN stop enabling these cretins. When you're in the slow lane, a car or three from the front and you see some idiot in the right turn lane waiting to jump in to your lane...DON'T LET THEM! Gun your little POS right up to the rear bumper of the legitimate car in front of you and don't let them in. If they sit stupidly in front of a gas station a few times, they'll get the message.
Same thing for highway lane closings: regular or emergency. Figure that if you can see the signs that a lane is closing, so can everyone else. anyone that doesn't turn on a turn signal to merge at that moment deserves to sit on the highway and wait for some other doormat to let them in. The worst is omethinng like the 405N to the 101 intersection....they have that lane "going to" ventura blvd which most people use to sneak ahead of the responsible drivers and cut in to the 101 lanes at the last minute. Shoot these idiots, hit them with your car, and don't let them in. Take back your streets!
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