Okay, many Republicans are confused why so many Democrats hate George Dubya, and try so hard to paint him evil. Well, the short answer is that you are defined by your enemies. Okay, A.D.D. NeoCons can take the compliment and run now...
What do I mean by that? Well, here it is.
1) Either GW got daddy to talk to some friends to orchestrate the 911 tragedy so that he could be a "war president" or he bungled the single greatest opportunity for real leadership any president has ever been served on a silver platter (including Pearl Harbor).
2) Either he manipulated events so that Haliburton could siphon off billions of taxpayer's dollars in Iraq to help line the coffin of his VP, or he actually "lost" THAT MUCH MONEY.
3) Either he actually was mis informed about WMDs or he REALLY though that Saddam was a threat and simply couldn't find them.
4) Either he let Osama go, or he's incompetant enough to let him run free for more than 4 years.
The list goes on.
Now, either the Democrats have aligned themselves against a mastermind that has manipulated world events in such a way that his family's coffers are lined for the next few generations, and their place as an oil superpower is secured for years to come...
... or they have aligned themselves against a bungling bone head who's lost a major US city, billions of dollars, the first budget surplus in decades, the faith of the worlds 5th largest economy, crashed the NASDAQ, and consistantly promoted people who have bungled their jobs even worse than he has.
If he's the evil mastermind, then the enemy that helps to define them is, at least, a worthy opponent. He matters. But if the greatest enemy you have, the one who has run roughshod over you for two terms is, in fact, the village idiot.... well, that doesn't say much for you, now does it? No. So, to maintain the slightest bit of pride, Democrats MUST paint Dubya as an evil mastermind, because the other option is too embarrasing to bear.